
Snowmass 2021 Contributed Papers may include documents on specific scientific areas, technical articles presenting new results on relevant physics topics, and reasoned expressions of physics priorities, including those related to community involvement.

Snowmass contributed papers have the character of supplementary materials to the final Snowmass report. Starting them with an executive summary is recommended (more details here).

Further coordinating details will be developed in the Snowmass process over the upcoming months. Please note that a submitted paper alone does not mean that its content will necessarily be part of the final Snowmass report.

Initial plan: The deadline for a contributed paper was announced for July 31, 2021.

Update Jan 2021: Due to a pause of the Snowmass process, a new deadline will be announced.

Update August 2021: Snowmass is restarting! Sign up for the Sep 24th event, Snowmass Day.

We maintain lists of proposed and submitted whitepapers.

Update October 2021: In our regular meetings, we converged on writing primarily a collaborative, common whitepaper for our interest group. Please contact our mailing list and/or attend or meetings to gain access to the Overleaf project to contribute to the writing or support the whitepaper.


We rely on the community (you) to inform us about proposed and submitted papers by sending emails to